Euclidean / Björklund algorith
Euclidean / Björklund algorithms
Version 1.0
Created 2021/09/20
Category Max/Msp Examples
ZipSize 377.68 KB
Downloads 1,287

Here are some picked examples (only pure Max and js) from the forums and I looked into many euclidean devices and compared the eucl. algorithm. I noticed, examples from c74 forums are reused very often and second, it's rare that a true björklund algorithm is used. I found out why the generated list is rotated copared to the examples in Toussaint's paper. I added a JS and a pure Max version of a björklund algorithm where the output will always match Toussaint's examples with zero rotation offset.

There are some simple tests to compare the output of of all examples in the tabs of

eucl_main eucl_compare2